Jade's Blog - Posts

Look Ma, No CDN!

CDNs are common - but are they really necessary? Is a single origin the performance pitfall many think it is?

GSoC 2024 - New Email Service with Internationalization

The MusicBrainz project sends thousands of emails every day to its diverse contributors. However, the existing email system was limited, having organically grown over the project's lifetime. It could only send emails in English, and only in plain text. The experience that new contributors got could only be described as unfriendly. The overarching goal of my proposal was to improve this.

That Blue Text – a Link Is Not Authenticity

As digital denizens, we read more than ever before. From news and forums to comments and blog posts, what we read online informs our decisions and actions. But as we read much-needed information, we must decide what is trustworthy – and what is not.